For the past two days i've set a couple hours in my day to start working on my build. So far i've flattened the ground and added in a massive block of stone that i'm slowly transforming into a mountain.
The mountain is going to be built from stone, cobble, gravel and andesite which I will add a nice texture to it instead of it being one block completely. Once i've filled it completely in i'll start filling in the rooms. I mainly just want to get the mountain done because it's going to be one of the most time consuming parts of the build.
I don't want to start any proper landscaping yet because at the moment i've just cut out and flattened some land. I want to hold off proper landscaping just incase I have to move stuff around, i'll probably wait until I'm completely happy and done with builds before I start fixing the land beside it.
Looking good Alicia. I will go in and have a wee look around
ReplyDeleteDarren, all I can say is WONDERFULL, I´m a teacher, my english its no so good but I understand when I read. I have kinder and primary and soon I´ll like to do something with minecraft so this means a good job.
ReplyDeleteNice to share this.