The dome did change quite a bit. It was originally supposed to be almost circle-shaped, but because of some time issues and the problem of the build being kind of rectangular shaped the bubble isn't as round as originally planned. It was also supposed to be bubble looking, but I quickly realised that if I wanted to make it look like a bubble I would have to do it entirely by hand to get the colours right. To cut down time so I could finish before I left for study leave I had to world edit most of the bubble. So unlike the original plans it looks more like a square of sprinkles than a bubble.
The nursery also changed, with the walls and floor a different combination of blocks (black & grey clay) to give it a earthy and carved out feeling like the throne room and kitchen. Like the other two rooms a chandelier was added in for lighting along with the additional hidden glowstone lighting hidden throughout the walls and roof, both of which weren't part of the original plans but it helped light the rooms better but still give it a darker atmosphere.
The interior in the nursery also had some minor changes, the cots (made from wooden stairs & carpet) are separated by wooden slabs to give an almost bedside table effect. There are different things on the tables as decoration (buttons, plant pots, etc) I imagine they could be the minecraft equivalent of toys sitting beside of the cots.
I also added in a kind of spread out path between the mountain and the faerie town, it is not as tidy as the original plans but more like the path has been worn down or spread like gravel moves. I also made the coarse dirt and grass overlap each other in some areas instead of having having such a straight line between the two parts of the build unlike in my original plan. I did this to make it seem more natural and less sudden.
Previous Changes Made:
Original Plans:
Blog from Monday covering the other changes I did throughout the build:

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